The House Fairy Hall of Clean Rooms

We are very proud of our celebrated Hall of Clean Rooms. Almost 600 photos are in here, submitted by proud moms. We know the kids who cleaned up their rooms are proud too, because of all the activity going on in this hall!

We have reserved a space for each of your children’s clean room pictures.When you become a member, you can submit your photos and they’ll be added to the illustrious Hall of Clean Rooms. Also, our House Fairy Tech Elves will put the photos onto your children’s private page.

Perhaps you know someone who has his/her clean room photo in the Hall of Clean Rooms? Just search by his/her first name.

Benjamin___Christopher_M01 Anna_F02 Lisa_W01 Kyle_K02 Emma_M03 Ella_K02 Alexandra_F01 Sophie_S01 Ori___Shira_M02 Leah_J03 Ben_E01 Amelia___Sophie_P01 Sylvia_W03 Ian_D01 Gabe_G01 Hannah_C02 Zachary_L01 Joey_F01-150x150 Eoghan01 Bridget_Q03 Abby_T04 Rebecca___Rachel_H01 Hope_J03 Carissa_A01 Katie_H02 Connor_M01 William_O01 Jade__Makaria___Princeton01 Mali___Aysia_T01 Ellie_W05 Parker___Calvin_Y03 Tiara_Alanna_S01 Andy_A01 Aidan__Emily____Lucas_T01 Lainie_S01 Amber_J01 Karli__Kirsten___Edmund_C01 Olivia_K01 Ada_L01 Camberlyn___Courtney_R01 Erin_H01 Levi_H01 Jake_W03 Thomas_W02 David_J03 Lucy_G01 Joey__James___Johnny_M01 Patrick_T01 Oliva_P01 Sidney_F03